WELCOME ... to the Stony Point North Physical Education website. The purpose of this website is communicate the PE activities and special events occurring in the Stony Point North Physical Education classes.
The SPN PE website will include stories, pictures, and videos that highlight the Physical Education activities and special projects that our students have been participating in their PE classes.
In addition, there are links to view the "Stony Point North PE Newsletter" that highlights more specific information and past PE projects for our students. Click to view past "SPN PE Newsletters"
Stony Point North Physical Education activities were featured on local TV News stations FOUR times in the 2016 - 2017 school year!!
SPN 5th Graders Win GRAND PRIZE for the
Second Consecutive Year in the
"KC Healthy Kids I Am Here" Contest
5th Graders Featured on KCPT TV Station
for Success with PE Projects
SPN 5th Graders Continue Their Tradition of Success in the "Are You Faster Than a 5th Grader?" Two Mile Run
SPN 4th Graders Win GRAND PRIZE in the
"KC Healthy Kids I Am Here" Contest
Kansas City Chiefs and Sporting Kansas City Attend SPN's "Superstar Challenge and Health Fair" to Assist in Promoting Fitness and Healthy Eating
SPN 5th Graders Finish In FIRST Place
in KCK District in the
"Are You Faster Than a 5th Grader?"
Two Mile Run
SPN PE Creates "Schoolyard Gardens" Project
SPN's "Race Across America" Continues for the 5th Year to Promote Importance of Physical Activity and to "Fight Childhood Obesity"
4th and 5th Grade Students
Create "P.E. Portfolios"
5th Graders Invited by Kansas City Chiefs to Participate in a Special MLK Jr. Activity
KC Wolf and Chiefs Visits Stony Point North
for NFL Play 60 Assemblies
SPN Students Actively Involved in
"NFL Play 60" Program
Stony Point North PE Activities
Featured on Kansas City Local TV Stations
FOUR Times During 2016 - 2017 School Year
During the 2016 - 2017 school year, Stony Point North PE activities were featured FOUR times on local TV News programs.
Students were interviewed by KMBC Ch. 9 regarding the Kansas City Chiefs "First Pass" activity.
In October, 2016, both Fox 4 News and also KMBC Ch. 9 covered the "SPN Superstar Challenge and Health Fair".
In January, 2017, KSHB Ch. 41 conducted interviews at Arrowhead Stadium regarding the Kansas City Chiefs Martin Luther King, Jr. special activity where the Chiefs invited SPN 5th graders to attend.
In April, 2017, KCPT TV interviewed SPN 5th graders regarding the "Race Across America" activity and also the student's second consecutive "Grand Prize" win in the "KC Healthy Kids: I Am Here" contest.
On March 2, 2017, Stony Point North 5th graders were selected as the Grand Prize winners in the KC Healthy Kids "I Am Here" contest. The finals competition was held at the Kansas City Convention Center where students gave their presentation in front of over 400 students and adults. The five fifth grade students representing SPN won $2,500 for our school.
Click on picture below to view the 5th grader's presentation.
On April 28, 2017, Stony Point North 5th graders finished in Third Place out of 30 KCK Elementary Schools in the 6th Annual "Are You Faster Than A 5th Grader?" two mile run.
In the six year's of this Two Mile Run event:
Stony Point North has finished in FIRST Place TWICE! In 2016 and also in 2013.
In both, 2012 and 2015 SPN finished in SECOND Place TWICE!
In 2017, SPN finished in Third Place.
And in 2014, SPN finished in 7th Place.
Click picture below to view photos in a video of the 2017 "Are You Faster Than A 5th Grader?" two mile run.
The Stony Point North PE program created a very special, unique evening activity on October 20th, 2016.
The "SPN Superstar Challenge and Health Fair" was created with the primary goals of increasing awareness of the need to “fight child obesity”, to increase knowledge about the importance of daily physical activity, and to provided healthy eating information.
Click picture below to view photos in a video of the "Superstar Challenge".
Stony Point North's Race Across America" continues for the 5th consecutive year in order to monitor our student's increase in daily physical activity through the use of pedometers and to assist in fighting childhood obesity. Teachers and staff member's from our school district participate with us to assist in focusing on improving overall wellness, increase energy levels, and help in monitoring weight gain.
Our students receive pedometers for the school year to wear everyday, all day. Not only are they monitoring their daily physical activity levels at school, but they are also tracking the amount of daily activities away from school, for each afternoon, evening, as well as on the weekends. Students then report the miles from their pedometers in their PE classes where totals are kept on spreadsheets.
Stony Point North 4th graders were selected as the Grand Prize winners in the KC Healthy Kids "I Am Here" contest on March 2, 2016.
The finals competition was held at the Kaufmann Center where students were required to give a "Shark Tank" type presentationgave their presentation in from of over 200 local community and business leaders. The five fouth grade students representing SPN won $3,500 for our school.
"Taste Tests" Encourage Healthy Eating
for SPN Students
Click on picture below to view the 4th grader's presentation.
For the past three years the fourth and fifth grade students at Stony Point North have started a new educational component through their P.E. classes. Students have been working on creating “SPN P.E. Portfolios”. This P.E. activity is extremely unique to any Physical Education curriculum at any level and in any school district!
This unique educational activity has been a tremendous success in assisting students in many different areas including daily physical activities, healthy eating, focusing on success in academics, and activities to assist students in preparing for their future.
The students work on special projects for their portfolios away from PE class time and continued with these projects throughout the school year. The "SPN PE Portfolio" allows our students to incorporate literacy activities into our PE curriculum at SPN and be in alignment with the KCK school district's goal of developing stronger literacy skills.
In April, 2017, KCPT visited Stony Point North to interview 5th grade students on some of the special PE projexts that we have done through the past several years. The student's interviews were then shown on KCPT TV throughout the summer.
Click on picture below to view a partial clip of the interviews.
Stony Point North 5th graders finished in FIRST Place in this year's "Are You Faster Than A 5th Grader?" two mile run.
This is the second time that SPN 4th graders have finished in First Place in this event in the six years of this race.
Click picture below to view the 2016 race video. Click arrows on bottom right corner of the video to go to Full Screen.
This "21st Century PE curriculum" has been developed and created by SPN PE to provide our students with the opportunity to improve their overall physical fitness level and to stress the importance of healthy eating.
It will be our focus to extend the student's "PE Time" beyond just our 60 minutes per week of PE class time. Students can be working on PE related activities throughout the entire week at home by doing special "PE Projects". The emphasis will be on paticipating in physical activities away from school that are fun and enjoyable and lead to promoting active healthy lifestyles and to not think of them as "assignments"!!
The approach that we will take will elevate our PE activities to the next level with new PE projects, new strategies, the use of technology, incorporating literacy actiivities, and other new and innovative ideas.
SPN PE to Incorporate
"21st Century PE Curriculum"
The PE classes at Stony Point North will be implementing a new concept with a "21st Century PE curriculum" into our PE classes this year.
This new approach is very
unique according to research
that was done on other existing PE programs from around the country.
These new activities will first be started with our 4th and 5th graders as we begin the school year.
One of the most important new activities for our 4th and 5th grade students will be in creating a "PE Portfolio". This will be a record of each student’s progress throughout year in PE class and PE related activities.
This "PE Portfolio" would allow us to incorporate literacy activities into the PE curriculum and be in alignment with the KCK district's goal of developing strong literacy skills.. By implementing reading and writing assignments for our "PE Projects" we have Raised the Bar for our PE curriculum.
The "PE Projects" will be introduced during PE class time but the students will be working on their projects outside of class time so that PE class time remains an activity period.
Through incorporating these unique, new components we will have elevated our PE curriculum into a "21st Century PE Curriculum" that can lead to lifelong habits for better fitness and wellness.
With these new strategies we also want our SPN parents to not only support these new PE activities for their children but we want to encourage the parents to become involved themselves. By becoming more active in all of the student's physical activities and healthy eating activities away from school, the parent can set a great example for our students of "Promoting Active and Healthy Lifestyles"!!

In January, 2017,the Kansas City Chiefs invited Stony Point North students to a special Martin Luther King, Jr. activity held at Arrowhead stadium.
During this special activity held in the "Chiefs Sports Lab, the Chiefs honored the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. by readinga book containing his famous "I Have a Dream" speech.
There was a discussion that followed with a former Chiefs player about what students knew about Dr. King and how they could apply his message in their everyday lives.
SPN was the only school in the Kansas City Metro area invited by the Kansas City Chiefs for this special activity.
KSHB Ch. 41 covered the event and interiewed some of our students for their news broadcasts.
SPN 5th Graders Finish Second Place
in KCK District in the
"Are You Faster Than a 5th Grader?"
Two Mile Run
Stony Point North 5th graders finished in Second Place in the 2014 "Are You Faster Than A 5th Grader?" two mile run.
This is the second time that SPN 4th graders have finished in Second Place in this event in the six years of this race. SPN has also finished in FIRST Place TWICE in this event in six years!
This year's race started at Schlitterbahn Water Park. The two mile course then ran through the Legend's at Village West and the finish line was at Sporting Park, the home of Sporting Kansas City soccer team.
Darrell Stuckey Receives "Homecoming” Assembly at Stony Point North
Students Enjoy Physical Challenges by Participating in
SPN’s “Indiana Jones Temple of Doom” Obstacle Course
Click on picture below to view video with information on the "Race Across America". (This video created in 2014.)
Stony Point North P.E. Newlsetters
Highlight P.E. Activities and Special Projects
Stony Poin North P.E. Newsletters are created to communicate additional details of the many activities that are being done through the Physical Education classes.
In each P.E. newsletter are articles and pictures of the many activities that are done through the PE program throughout the last several years.
Click on the link to view PDFs of the newsletters.
Former Stony Point North student and current NFL player, Darrell Stuckey, participated in an entire day full of special activities at SPN on Wednesday, March 12th, 2014.
Currently a player and a captain on the San Diego Chargers in the National Football League, Darrell attended Stony Point North for Kindergarten through 5th grade from 1992 through 1998.
Darrell originally thought hat he was invited to visit and to just speak to the students at SPN as part of the “NFL Play 60” program. But what Darrell didn’t realize was that there was going to be a special surprise "homecoming" assembly that had also been planned for him.
To view the video that was especially created by SPN PE for Darrell Stuckey for this assembly click on the picture below.
For the past several years, "KC Wolf" and the Kansas City Chiefs organization has assisted SPN to help "kick off" the start of our “NFL Play 60” activities by having a Chiefs NFL Play 60 assembly at Stony Point North.
Through the help of the Kansas City Chiefs, school wide assemblies are held each year as our beginning for our upcoming activities with the “NFL Play 60” program.
The assemblies presented by the Chiefs assists students in focusing on the two basic components of the “NFL Play 60” program which emphasizes “Healthy Eating” and the importance of physical activity for at least 60 minutes every day.
SPN Students Continue to Visit
"Kansas City Chiefs Sports Lab"
for Educational Field Trips

For most Stony Point North students, the favorite field trip to go on each year is the trip to the Kansas City Chiefs Sports Lab" located at Arrowhead stadium.
Fiekd trips to the "Chiefs Sports Lab" have been yearlt field trips for the 4th and 5th graders at Stony Point North.
The “Chiefs Sports Lab” is an educational part of Arrowhead stadium that includes many interactive actives. In the “Chiefs Sports Lab” students participate in activities and games to help learn about the body, nutrition, and how students can have a healthier lifestyle. The activities demonstrated to students how the body is affected through proper nutrition and the benefits of being physically active every day for at least 60 minutes.
The visit to the “Chiefs Sports Lab” assists our students increase their knowledge of the “Fuel Up to Play 60” program along with the activities that we have currently going on in our school activities through PE classes.

In December of 2015, with the help of “KC Community Gardens”, students from the 4th and 5th grades built six garden beds so that each grade could have their own garden bed to learn about plant science.
On March 24th, 2016, each grade continued our “Schoolyard Gardens” project by planting seeds in their own garden bed. Once again, "KC Community Gardens" assisted our students with this activity.
The new Schoolyard Gardens is a part of our “Fuel Up to Play 60” projects.
Click picture above to view on the Schoolyard Gardens project.
Stony Point North Elementary School has continuously implemented the NFL PLay 60 program into our PE curriculum. Our school also has been awarded a grant from the “NFL Play 60” program for FOUR consecutive years.
NFL Play 60 is a nationwide program sponsored by the National Football League and the National Dairy Council. The program, also known as the “NFL Fuel Up to Play 60” program, has two basic components. In addition to the “Physical Activity” component which promotes all students being physically active for at least 60 minutes a day, the second part of the program is the “Healthy Eating” component.
This program has been implemented into our PE curriculum at Stony Point North through many different activities each year.
As a part of the “NFL Play 60” activities at Stony Point North, students have been learning about “Healthy Eating” in PE classes through a variety of activities.
During the past several years, PE classes have covered information on the “5 Basic Food Groups” through the use of the “My Plate” nutrition guide, we have had physical activities and games which focus on healthy eating and choosing the most nutritious foods, and one of favorites has been our all-school "Taste Tests".
Students in Kindergarten through 5th grades have been participating in a fun, physical, and challenging activity in their PE classes as they have gone through our “Stony Point North’s Indiana Jones Temple of Doom” Obstacle Course. This has been a yearly activity with students looking forward to this "challenging" obstacle course every year!
During each student’s "trip, journey, and adventure" through our “Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Obstacle Course”, they have worked on improving a variety of physical skills.
The obstacle course challenges student to improve their balance, agility, strength, and coordination. Each journey through the obstacle course has the student using their imagination as they take on "all obstacles and physical challenges", especially the "dreaded snakes and alligators" along the course!!
"Stony Point North PE Video Productions"
View SPN PE Videos
To further highlight and provide more information on the special PE projects, SPN PE has created videos and photo videos of our PE projects.
Stony Point North "Field Day" Activities
For almost every student at Stony Point North, the very favorite day of the school year has been our "Field Day"!
Each year the SPN Field Day has consisted of 18 - 20 fun and challenging activities spread out on three different areas on the Stony Point North campus.
Our field day activities have included the traditional field day activities involving running, relays, and throwing as well as the unique activities such as the "Belly Bumpers" activity, the "Angry Bird Slingshot", the "Izzy Dizzy Relay", the "obstacle Course", the "Water Relays", "Running Tic Tac Toe", "Bucket Stacking Relay", Water Balloon Catching Contests" and many more fun activities.
Banners on the Wall in the Gym:
"SPN Partners with "KC Healthy Kids"
for a Variety of PE Special Projects
Throughout the past several years the SPN PE program has created many special projects that have gone beyond the required PE curriculum.
The "KC Healthy Kids" organization has partnered with our school in many of these projects and has been a tremendous resource for us in assisting to create our special activities.
Click picture below to view a video of the "Stony Point North Indiana Jones Temple of Doom Obstacle Course".